Film adaptation of the DC Comics Vertigo comic book created by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso. Five years ago Frank Phoenix robbed “The Firm”. Betrayed by his men and murdered, the stolen gold was never found. Now someone is planning revenge.
In the thirty-second minute Kirsten Varley is sitting in a chair and resting her legs on the desk to seduce a man. The actress is wearing thigh-high stockings. The man kisses her, then gets her up and fucks her from behind. She leans against the desk with her cleavage in front of the camera. Thirteen minutes later we admire Kirsten Varley naked after she takes off her clothes in front of a man. First she shows us perfect breasts, then leaves the room and shows us her round ass. Six minutes later the actress gives us one last long sex scene with a man.
In the thirty-second minute Kirsten Varley is sitting in a chair and resting her legs on the desk to seduce a man. The actress is wearing thigh-high stockings. The man kisses her, then gets her up and fucks her from behind. She leans against the desk with her cleavage in front of the camera. Thirteen minutes later we admire Kirsten Varley naked after she takes off her clothes in front of a man. First she shows us perfect breasts, then leaves the room and shows us her round ass. Six minutes later the actress gives us one last long sex scene with a man.