
Directed By: Billy Wilder


Wendell Armbruster Jr. is the heir to an unimpeachable Baltimore tycoon who used to vacation in Italy, in Ischia, every year. It is in Italy that his father dies in a car accident, and Wendell discovers that the man was in the car with his mistress. Not only that, the mistress’ daughter (Juliet Mills) also shows up at the funeral. As in any classic comedy with romance overtones, the two bicker, but fall in love.
After an hour and twenty-two minutes with no naked actresses we had given up hope, but at the eighty-third minute the film gives us a fleeting glimpse of Giselda Castrini‘s boobs and a long scene with Juliet Mills naked, first swimming in the sea, then lying on a large rock. Next to her is Wendell, who tries to cover her breasts when a boatload of excited fishermen passes by. Forty minutes later Wendell is in bed and talking on the phone. In a mirror behind him is reflected the naked body of Juliet Mills. In the next scene Juliet is tidying up the hotel room and wearing only a shirt with nothing underneath.

Nude scenes

