Typical Italian Christmas comedy, directed by Neri Parenti in 2004. Two distinct episodes intersect. In one episode, a middle-aged man’s relationship with a young model is questioned by her daughter, who is dating an older man herself. In the other episode, two divorcees discover they still want each other, but both are romantically involved.
Alena Seredova offers us many hot sequences and she turns us on even without taking off all her clothes, with lingerie and low-cut dresses. In one sequence in bed, a nipple slips out of her dressing gown. In addition, the scene with Patrizia Mancini is not to be missed.
Alena Seredova offers us many hot sequences and she turns us on even without taking off all her clothes, with lingerie and low-cut dresses. In one sequence in bed, a nipple slips out of her dressing gown. In addition, the scene with Patrizia Mancini is not to be missed.