Fuimos canciones (AKA Sounds Like Love) follows Maca (María Valverde), an awkward 30-year-old who is determined to find happiness, despite working for a terrible fashion influencer. With her friends she tries to make Madrid a place where anything is possible, until Leo, her great love and mistake, returns to disrupt her life.
In the thirty-fifth minute Elísabet Casanovas takes off her shirt and remains in her bra, ready for a massage, which becomes a sexual performance. In the next scene Claudia Galán and Susana Abaitua are sitting on a couch with a guy and take turns kissing him before turning their attention to each other. Soon after, they initiate a threesome together with the guy on the bed. Both actresses are naked, but Susana is wearing nipple covers. In the seventy-sixth minute María Valverde has sex in bed with a guy. At the eighty-eighth minute we admire María Valverde naked lying in bed on her side, with a guy behind her hugging her.
In the thirty-fifth minute Elísabet Casanovas takes off her shirt and remains in her bra, ready for a massage, which becomes a sexual performance. In the next scene Claudia Galán and Susana Abaitua are sitting on a couch with a guy and take turns kissing him before turning their attention to each other. Soon after, they initiate a threesome together with the guy on the bed. Both actresses are naked, but Susana is wearing nipple covers. In the seventy-sixth minute María Valverde has sex in bed with a guy. At the eighty-eighth minute we admire María Valverde naked lying in bed on her side, with a guy behind her hugging her.