Griselda tells the true story of Griselda Blanco (Sofía Vergara), an ambitious Colombian businesswoman who built one of the most profitable cartels in history. A devoted mother and ruthless strategist, her lethal mix of charm and ferocity earned her the nickname “Black Widow”.
In the fifth minute of the second episode Aurora Cossio removes her bra and shows us two big boobs, then wears a tiger print dress. In the seventh minute of the third episode Sofía Vergara is sitting on the bed wearing a semi-transparent robe over her beautiful breasts. In the 28th minute Sofía Vergara is having sex in bed with a man. The actress is framed from the side and we see the outline of her beautiful breasts. At the fortieth minute of the fourth episode Sofía Vergara nude is immersed in the bathtub and is meditating. We see the actress’ breasts emerging from the water. At the thirty-seventh minute of episode five Natalie Masini pulls down her dress in a club and shows her breasts to patrons.
In the fifth minute of the second episode Aurora Cossio removes her bra and shows us two big boobs, then wears a tiger print dress. In the seventh minute of the third episode Sofía Vergara is sitting on the bed wearing a semi-transparent robe over her beautiful breasts. In the 28th minute Sofía Vergara is having sex in bed with a man. The actress is framed from the side and we see the outline of her beautiful breasts. At the fortieth minute of the fourth episode Sofía Vergara nude is immersed in the bathtub and is meditating. We see the actress’ breasts emerging from the water. At the thirty-seventh minute of episode five Natalie Masini pulls down her dress in a club and shows her breasts to patrons.