A talented composition student (Joslyn Jensen), in artistic crisis after losing her scholarship, begins working as an escort. During meetings, she discovers unexpected sounds that she turns into music, making her clients her muse.
In the eighth minute we see for a moment Joslyn Jensen‘s breasts as she runs water in the bathtub. In the thirteenth minute Joslyn wears red panties and a white bra as she walks into a room. The girl makes her way to a bed and we can see her bush under the sheer panties. In the 25th minute, the actress is lying in bed, wearing a transparent tank top, tired after painting the walls of a room. A moment later we can see Joslyn Jensen naked in the shower, then we see her intent on shaving her legs. In the 30th minute we look at Joslyn’s boobs framed from various angles as she has sex in bed with a guy. Three minutes later there is another bed sex scene. Joslyn stands over the man and scribbles his chest with a black marker. Then he takes the marker and draws black lines around her breasts. In the forty-third minute Joslyn Jensen is naked in bed with a horny man grinding against her. Joslyn tries to grab a condom from the nightstand and when she finally succeeds the two have sex. In the fifty-second minute the actress is writing music and meanwhile pass flashbacks of her naked in bed with a man caressing her body. Three minutes later several more nude scenes flash by as Joslyn creates her music. The actress is standing in front of a man who lifts her skirt and pulls down her panties, revealing her bush. Soon after, a door opens and we see Francine Berman topless. Then there is Joslyn sitting on the sidewalk with one breast sticking out of her dress, Joslyn on the couch while a guy performs oral sex on her, Joslyn naked in the shower. In the seventy-fifth minute is the last sex scene. Joslyn is standing and a man pulls down her dress to reveal her breasts. The two have sex against the wall, in the shower, and finally in bed.
In the eighth minute we see for a moment Joslyn Jensen‘s breasts as she runs water in the bathtub. In the thirteenth minute Joslyn wears red panties and a white bra as she walks into a room. The girl makes her way to a bed and we can see her bush under the sheer panties. In the 25th minute, the actress is lying in bed, wearing a transparent tank top, tired after painting the walls of a room. A moment later we can see Joslyn Jensen naked in the shower, then we see her intent on shaving her legs. In the 30th minute we look at Joslyn’s boobs framed from various angles as she has sex in bed with a guy. Three minutes later there is another bed sex scene. Joslyn stands over the man and scribbles his chest with a black marker. Then he takes the marker and draws black lines around her breasts. In the forty-third minute Joslyn Jensen is naked in bed with a horny man grinding against her. Joslyn tries to grab a condom from the nightstand and when she finally succeeds the two have sex. In the fifty-second minute the actress is writing music and meanwhile pass flashbacks of her naked in bed with a man caressing her body. Three minutes later several more nude scenes flash by as Joslyn creates her music. The actress is standing in front of a man who lifts her skirt and pulls down her panties, revealing her bush. Soon after, a door opens and we see Francine Berman topless. Then there is Joslyn sitting on the sidewalk with one breast sticking out of her dress, Joslyn on the couch while a guy performs oral sex on her, Joslyn naked in the shower. In the seventy-fifth minute is the last sex scene. Joslyn is standing and a man pulls down her dress to reveal her breasts. The two have sex against the wall, in the shower, and finally in bed.