In Los Angeles, thief Harry Lockhart, pursued by police, accidentally ends up at an audition and is mistaken for an aspiring actor in a crime movie. He reunites with childhood friend Harmony (Michelle Monaghan) and meets Perry, a gay private detective. When a dead body is discovered and Harmony’s sister commits suicide, Harry and Perry investigate among party suspects. During their investigation Harry falls in love with Harmony.
In a very brief sequence in the eighth minute we see Tanja Reichert‘s boobs as she acts in a horror movie. The girl is having sex with a guy when a giant werewolf enters the room ruining the mood. In the thirty-fifth minute Michelle Monaghan is talking excitedly to a guy, who won’t stop looking at her cleavage. As Michelle gestures the cleavage opens until a nipple pops out. A few moments later the man lays Michelle, who has fallen asleep, on the bed. We witness a funny scene in which he tries to catch a spider that has gotten into the actress’ bra. She wakes up and is convinced that he wanted to grope her breasts. In the 71st minute a man is sitting on the couch talking to Michelle Monaghan, who is in the other room taking off a sexy Santa Claus costume. As they talk, he looks at Michelle Monaghan naked reflected in a mirror. She crawls into bed, and shortly thereafter he is also in bed with her. We see one of Michelle’s boobs as they are talking under the sheets. In the ninety-fourth minute Shannyn Sossamon is sitting topless on a couch. Behind her a man leans down to kiss her neck.
In a very brief sequence in the eighth minute we see Tanja Reichert‘s boobs as she acts in a horror movie. The girl is having sex with a guy when a giant werewolf enters the room ruining the mood. In the thirty-fifth minute Michelle Monaghan is talking excitedly to a guy, who won’t stop looking at her cleavage. As Michelle gestures the cleavage opens until a nipple pops out. A few moments later the man lays Michelle, who has fallen asleep, on the bed. We witness a funny scene in which he tries to catch a spider that has gotten into the actress’ bra. She wakes up and is convinced that he wanted to grope her breasts. In the 71st minute a man is sitting on the couch talking to Michelle Monaghan, who is in the other room taking off a sexy Santa Claus costume. As they talk, he looks at Michelle Monaghan naked reflected in a mirror. She crawls into bed, and shortly thereafter he is also in bed with her. We see one of Michelle’s boobs as they are talking under the sheets. In the ninety-fourth minute Shannyn Sossamon is sitting topless on a couch. Behind her a man leans down to kiss her neck.