Màkari (Season 1)

Directed By: Michele Soavi


Saverio Lamanna was a journalist and spokesman for a minister, but because of a mistake he made, he lost everything. The man decides to start a new life in Màkari, a small Sicilian town where he has a holiday home. In Sicily, Saverio finds a love and many mysteries.
In the first episode, Ester Pantano intrigues us in a couple of interesting scenes. In the first, she wears a sexy robe. In the second, the actress is at the beach in a stunning bikini. Speaking of sexy swimsuits, in the second episode Katia Mironova wears one. Also, in the second episode we finally admire Ester Pantano naked, albeit for a few seconds.
Laura Adriani is naked in the bathtub in the fourth episode.

Nude scenes

