Italy’s 1990s told by three separate stories that take place on the Romagna Riviera and intertwine in the dramatic epilogue. Despite the fact that the subject was written with the late Pier Vittorio Tondelli, a talented Italian writer who died prematurely, the film weakens at the screenplay stage. There is no shortage of some very interesting sequences for those looking for nude actresses. In the thirteenth minute Isabelle Pasco gets out of bed and covers herself from the waist down with a sheet, then walks around the house showing a very sensual topless. Six minutes later, Francesca Neri gets ready for a peculiar striptease. A moment later, we can admire Barbara Ricci naked, in bed with a guy. This is one of the rare nudes of this beautiful actress. First we see her breasts, then we get a peek at her ass as she stands up and puts on her panties. Soon after, Francesca Neri‘s striptease begins, but unfortunately it is interrupted. Eighteen minutes later, a guy opens the car door and inside finds Isabelle Pasco naked, wanting to make love to him. And he agrees.