Brett (Sarah Michelle Gellar), a young woman from the suburbs, works as an editor at a small New York publishing house, hoping for promotion. She meets celebrated writer Archie Knox, 50, and begins dating him, eventually moving in with him. He is a charming man, but their relationship is complicated.
In the 14th minute we peek up Vanessa Branch‘s skirt in a sexy sequence. She is standing on a ladder and fixing the ceiling of her office. In the 18th minute there is Sarah Michelle Gellar naked in the shower, unfortunately framed from the back. We can see the outline of her breasts, and after the shower the actress hops into her panties to slip on some black leather pants. In the 29th minute Michelle kisses a man and takes off her shirt, remaining in a black bra. Unfortunately, the director does not show us the rest. In the thirty-seventh minute Corinne Russell is standing in her panties and bra while a girl measures her. The panties are semi-transparent over her ass.
In the 14th minute we peek up Vanessa Branch‘s skirt in a sexy sequence. She is standing on a ladder and fixing the ceiling of her office. In the 18th minute there is Sarah Michelle Gellar naked in the shower, unfortunately framed from the back. We can see the outline of her breasts, and after the shower the actress hops into her panties to slip on some black leather pants. In the 29th minute Michelle kisses a man and takes off her shirt, remaining in a black bra. Unfortunately, the director does not show us the rest. In the thirty-seventh minute Corinne Russell is standing in her panties and bra while a girl measures her. The panties are semi-transparent over her ass.