Tales from the Crypt is a horror anthology series aired starting in 1989. The episodes tell macabre stories with a dash of humor. Throughout each season we can also appreciate some nude actresses. The most boob and ass-filled seasons are the second and third, while the fourth and fifth decreased the dose, and this sixth season follows the trend.
In the second episode Sherrie Rose naked has sex with a man. We had already seen Sherrie Rose in the fourth season of this series. In this episode the actress wears a white mask. At the beginning of the third episode we admire Ria Coyne naked beside a bathtub. At the beginning of the sixth episode, during the opening credits Kylie Ireland wears a devil costume and performs in a nightclub. During the performance she unhooks her bra and shows us her beautiful breasts. At the beginning of episode 14, Cristi Conaway takes a shower. She also takes another one at the end of the episode, but the director does his best not to show her tits and ass.
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