Miriam (Catherine Deneuve), an immortal vampire, lives an existence marked by a disturbing destiny: every two or three centuries she is forced to change partners, as her chosen lover mysteriously loses his “eternal” youth, slipping into slow decay. John, her current partner, is facing precisely this decline, and not even an unceasing stream of victims can slow his deterioration. Sarah Roberts (Susan Sarandon), a bright young doctor, is drawn to John’s case and decides to visit Miriam’s home to investigate. However, the meeting between Miriam and Sarah takes an unexpected turn: the vampire is fascinated by the woman and ends up falling in love with her.
In the fourth minute Anna Magnuson sits on the kitchen table and opens her jacket in front of a guy to show him her tits. He massages her breasts, then puts his hands on her thighs wrapped in black pantyhose. A couple of minutes later Catherine Deneuve is showering with a man. Naked, of course, but her boobs and face are never framed together, and we assume there is a body double. At the fifty-sixth minute Susan Sarandon is wearing a white T-shirt with nothing underneath. We see her hard nipples under the fabric. The actress stains herself with wine she is drinking. First she tries to clean the shirt, then she takes it off and shows her tits to us and to Catherine Deneuve, who is sitting in front of her. There is a nice lesbian sequence, but again Catherine’s boobs could be those of a body double instead.
In the fourth minute Anna Magnuson sits on the kitchen table and opens her jacket in front of a guy to show him her tits. He massages her breasts, then puts his hands on her thighs wrapped in black pantyhose. A couple of minutes later Catherine Deneuve is showering with a man. Naked, of course, but her boobs and face are never framed together, and we assume there is a body double. At the fifty-sixth minute Susan Sarandon is wearing a white T-shirt with nothing underneath. We see her hard nipples under the fabric. The actress stains herself with wine she is drinking. First she tries to clean the shirt, then she takes it off and shows her tits to us and to Catherine Deneuve, who is sitting in front of her. There is a nice lesbian sequence, but again Catherine’s boobs could be those of a body double instead.