The Protagonists, Luca Guadagnino’s directorial debut, follows an Italian crew to London to reconstruct the 1994 murder of Egyptian chef Mohamed El-Sayed by 19-year-olds Jamie Petrolini and Richard Elsey.
In the 49th minute Fabrizia Sacchi gets out of bed wearing only a white tank top and nothing underneath. We see her shaved pussy, then her ass as she kneels on the bed. At the sixty-fourth minute we have the pleasure of admiring Michelle Hunziker naked in a beautiful bed sex scene. The actress is sitting on the bed next to a guy. She stands up and he pulls off her robe. Michelle remains topless, wearing only a pair of white panties. Soon after, the two have sex on the bed. In the next scene Fabrizia Sacchi has sex with a man on a lawn under a tree. In the 71st minute Chiara Conti performs a very intriguing striptease in a nightclub.
In the 49th minute Fabrizia Sacchi gets out of bed wearing only a white tank top and nothing underneath. We see her shaved pussy, then her ass as she kneels on the bed. At the sixty-fourth minute we have the pleasure of admiring Michelle Hunziker naked in a beautiful bed sex scene. The actress is sitting on the bed next to a guy. She stands up and he pulls off her robe. Michelle remains topless, wearing only a pair of white panties. Soon after, the two have sex on the bed. In the next scene Fabrizia Sacchi has sex with a man on a lawn under a tree. In the 71st minute Chiara Conti performs a very intriguing striptease in a nightclub.