Bohr weiter, Kumpel is a spin-off of the popular film series that begins with Laß jucken, Kumpel. Filmed in the same locations, it tells the story of four miners who win the lottery. The four celebrate and have sex with the most beautiful women, but everyone tries to steal their winning ticket.
The first to strip is Renate Kasché, in a blond version. Soon after, Alena Penz tries on some wigs and then shows us a full-frontal nude. A sex scene follows. Meanwhile, bartender Marie Luise Lusewitz is celebrating with the miners. Naturally, the woman removes her clothes. Soon after, Renate Kasché has sex on an armchair. This is followed by some hot scenes with the late Puppa Armbruster (Judith Armbrüster), who has sex in different places, on a bed, and in the back of a van. Puppa’s sex scenes are numerous, including one in alternate montage with Alena Penz having sex. Next, Uschi Karnat and another actress are two sexy nurses who conclude the film’s nudes with a threesome.
The first to strip is Renate Kasché, in a blond version. Soon after, Alena Penz tries on some wigs and then shows us a full-frontal nude. A sex scene follows. Meanwhile, bartender Marie Luise Lusewitz is celebrating with the miners. Naturally, the woman removes her clothes. Soon after, Renate Kasché has sex on an armchair. This is followed by some hot scenes with the late Puppa Armbruster (Judith Armbrüster), who has sex in different places, on a bed, and in the back of a van. Puppa’s sex scenes are numerous, including one in alternate montage with Alena Penz having sex. Next, Uschi Karnat and another actress are two sexy nurses who conclude the film’s nudes with a threesome.