Dronningen (AKA Queen of Hearts) follows Anne (Trine Dyrholm), a successful lawyer who puts her career and family stability at risk when she embarks on an affair with her young stepson Gustav. What begins as an emotional escape turns into a story of power and betrayal, with devastating consequences for all.
In the twenty-ninth minute Trine Dyrholm opens her nightgown in front of the mirror and admires her naked body. In the fifty-first minute Trine enters a guy’s room and sits on the edge of the bed. He is lying in bed and she gives him a blowjob (explicit, not simulated). Shortly thereafter the two have sex doggy style. In the fifty-ninth minute the woman has sex in bed with a man, in the classic position she on the bottom and he on top. At the sixty-fifth minute Trine Dyrholm shows us a beautiful full-frontal nude having sex with a guy, and the camera pans around them. Trine gives us one last brief nude scene at the ninety-sixth minute, when she sits on the edge of the bed and undresses before going to sleep.
In the twenty-ninth minute Trine Dyrholm opens her nightgown in front of the mirror and admires her naked body. In the fifty-first minute Trine enters a guy’s room and sits on the edge of the bed. He is lying in bed and she gives him a blowjob (explicit, not simulated). Shortly thereafter the two have sex doggy style. In the fifty-ninth minute the woman has sex in bed with a man, in the classic position she on the bottom and he on top. At the sixty-fifth minute Trine Dyrholm shows us a beautiful full-frontal nude having sex with a guy, and the camera pans around them. Trine gives us one last brief nude scene at the ninety-sixth minute, when she sits on the edge of the bed and undresses before going to sleep.