Gerald’s Game, based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, follows Jessie (Carla Gugino) and Gerald, a couple who retreat to an isolated house to rekindle their marriage. During a sex game, Gerald has a heart attack and dies, leaving Jessie handcuffed to the bed. Trapped, she must face past traumas and disturbing visions to survive.
In the seventh minute Carla Gugino lies on the bed wearing an extremely sexy robe and gets ready for the night. The actress uncovers and covers her thighs, studying the best pose to arouse her husband. In the 28th minute the two are having sex in bed in a very exciting sequence.
In the seventh minute Carla Gugino lies on the bed wearing an extremely sexy robe and gets ready for the night. The actress uncovers and covers her thighs, studying the best pose to arouse her husband. In the 28th minute the two are having sex in bed in a very exciting sequence.