Jeff Cole, a young police officer, goes undercover to expose Dwayne “God” Gittens, a charismatic drug kingpin with a double life. As Cole forges a bond with Gittens, his identity as a cop becomes confused with that of the criminal. Eventually, Cole must choose sides when the time comes to arrest Gittens.
In the thirty-eighth minute Nia Long takes off her robe and remains totally naked, shrouded in the darkness of a room. Nia prepares to pose naked for a photographer. When the actress poses, we see her ass for a moment, then her breasts.
In the thirty-eighth minute Nia Long takes off her robe and remains totally naked, shrouded in the darkness of a room. Nia prepares to pose naked for a photographer. When the actress poses, we see her ass for a moment, then her breasts.