Metod is a television series that tells the story of a sociopathic detective and his beautiful intern. To sum it up, it’s the Russian version of Dexter.
The main protagonist is Paulina Andreeva, a charming Russian actress who gives us some intriguing sequences and even a nice nude.
Karina Zvereva gets on a desk and takes off her clothes, showing us her breasts and her shaved pussy. The list of nude actresses continues with Svetlana Limper and Anastasia Chromtsova.
The main protagonist is Paulina Andreeva, a charming Russian actress who gives us some intriguing sequences and even a nice nude.
Karina Zvereva gets on a desk and takes off her clothes, showing us her breasts and her shaved pussy. The list of nude actresses continues with Svetlana Limper and Anastasia Chromtsova.