The second season for the television series The Affair, which tells the story of an extramarital love between Noah and Alison. A story with many problems, as the season begins with Noah in prison. But we don’t want to make you any spoilers, except the one on nude actresses.
Nude scenes were more numerous in the first season, but there are still several interesting sequences.
Maura Tierney strips off a little but gives us very intriguing scenes. Kelly Deadmon shows us a beautiful full frontal nude with a sex scene right after. Ruth Wilson strips less than in the previous season, but strips. And she shows us her pussy while fucking against a tree in the woods. Other interesting scenes are offered by Catalina Sandino Moreno and Brooke Lyons.
Nude scenes were more numerous in the first season, but there are still several interesting sequences.
Maura Tierney strips off a little but gives us very intriguing scenes. Kelly Deadmon shows us a beautiful full frontal nude with a sex scene right after. Ruth Wilson strips less than in the previous season, but strips. And she shows us her pussy while fucking against a tree in the woods. Other interesting scenes are offered by Catalina Sandino Moreno and Brooke Lyons.