Fifth installment in a long saga of Christmas comedy films that began in 1983 with Vacanze di Natale. There were sequels in 1990, 1991, and 1995. This Vacanze di Natale 2000 brings the saga into the new millennium and tells us the stories of different characters from each other. In Cortina d’Ampezzo, the Christmas vacations of three families and two penniless students intertwine: the Covellis deal with the disasters of their unfinished chalet, while a family of neo-billionaires experience their first luxurious vacation.
In the thirty-seventh minute, Megan Gale enters a sauna wrapped in a white towel and lies down next to some men, who admire her enraptured. In the sixty-sixth minute Carmen Electra dances in a disco wearing a super sexy black leather costume. In the seventy-first minute Monica Scattini is talking to waiters and is wearing a semi-sheer slip over her breasts. At the sixty-seventh minute we can finally see Megan Gale naked. The actress enters the shower, where two men had previously hidden. First we see the outline of Megan’s breasts, then her ass, as she soaps herself. When she realizes that she is in the shower with two unknown guys, Megan is clearly displeased. Four minutes later, Carmen Electra is dancing in a club in another sexy costume, this time silver.
In the thirty-seventh minute, Megan Gale enters a sauna wrapped in a white towel and lies down next to some men, who admire her enraptured. In the sixty-sixth minute Carmen Electra dances in a disco wearing a super sexy black leather costume. In the seventy-first minute Monica Scattini is talking to waiters and is wearing a semi-sheer slip over her breasts. At the sixty-seventh minute we can finally see Megan Gale naked. The actress enters the shower, where two men had previously hidden. First we see the outline of Megan’s breasts, then her ass, as she soaps herself. When she realizes that she is in the shower with two unknown guys, Megan is clearly displeased. Four minutes later, Carmen Electra is dancing in a club in another sexy costume, this time silver.