Young Doctors in Love is a satirical comedy and a parody of medical soap operas. A group of young novice doctors juggle absurd situations, romantic misunderstandings and out-of-the-ordinary patients. While Dr. Simon tries to win over colleague Stephanie (Sean Young), a mob hitman hides among the patients waiting to accomplish a mission.
In the 47th minute, Sean Young undresses in front of a man in a doctor’s office. The actress remains wearing a semi-transparent slip, and we can see her breasts under the fabric as she makes out with the man. He gropes her breasts, then she lies down on a crib. At the fifty-fourth minute a couple rings the door of a house and Peggy Trentini opens topless. A party is taking place in the house, and a few moments later we see Peggy Trentini and her beautiful tits again for a few seconds. In the fifty-seventh minute Kimberly McArthur enters an office wearing a sexy Santa costume. There is a man sitting at the desk and she takes off her jacket showing him her big boobs, then sits on his lap.
In the 47th minute, Sean Young undresses in front of a man in a doctor’s office. The actress remains wearing a semi-transparent slip, and we can see her breasts under the fabric as she makes out with the man. He gropes her breasts, then she lies down on a crib. At the fifty-fourth minute a couple rings the door of a house and Peggy Trentini opens topless. A party is taking place in the house, and a few moments later we see Peggy Trentini and her beautiful tits again for a few seconds. In the fifty-seventh minute Kimberly McArthur enters an office wearing a sexy Santa costume. There is a man sitting at the desk and she takes off her jacket showing him her big boobs, then sits on his lap.