The Elephant Never Forgets (AKA Der Elefant vergißt nie) is the tenth Erotic Tales short film produced by Regina Ziegler from the early 1990s. A circus dwarf and his best friend, an elephant, rescue a beautiful countess from her burning car. When the dwarf later visits the lady, she tells him that she will grant one of his wishes as a way of thanking him. He asks for a night of love with her, and she accepts.
In the tenth minute, the countess’s husband has sex with the nurse, played by blond Jenny Elvers. The man rips off her clothes, makes her lean against a makeup table, and takes her from behind. A couple of minutes later Natalia Wörner is sitting on the couch reading a book. Her husband sits down next to her, opens her legs, and begins to masturbate her. Five minutes later, the countess fulfills her savior’s wish and we enjoy Natalia Wörner naked in a long sex scene.
In the tenth minute, the countess’s husband has sex with the nurse, played by blond Jenny Elvers. The man rips off her clothes, makes her lean against a makeup table, and takes her from behind. A couple of minutes later Natalia Wörner is sitting on the couch reading a book. Her husband sits down next to her, opens her legs, and begins to masturbate her. Five minutes later, the countess fulfills her savior’s wish and we enjoy Natalia Wörner naked in a long sex scene.