Les fruits de la passion is a 1981 French-Japanese-produced film directed by Shūji Terayama. Inspired by the novel Return to Roissy by Pauline Réage, it is an unofficial sequel to 1975’s Histoire d’O. Set in Shanghai, it tells the story of a young woman (Isabelle Illiers) involved in a game of submission with a mature man, while a young revolutionary falls in love with her.
In the seventh minute of the film Isabelle Illiers totally naked is sitting on a barber chair. Around her, various nude actresses apply makeup. Later the actress is led to her room. In the eleventh minute Isabelle Illiers walks around naked in her bedroom and sticks a picture on the wall. Finally, she tries on a dress. In the nineteenth minute a man has sex with Arielle Dombasle on a pool table. In the twenty-fifth minute Isabelle is washing her feet in a basin, wearing a dress that reveals her petite breasts. In the thirty-ninth minute Isabelle lies on top of a strange chair in the shape of a stylized chicken. An Asian man stands behind her and fucks her doggy-style. At the thirty-eighth minute Isabelle Illiers nude is seated in front of a man dressed in white. From off-screen, a burly Asian man in panties enters the scene and approaches Isabelle. The man moves the panties to get his penis out, then puts it in Isabelle’s mouth. The actress gives him an un-simulated blowjob. In the 43rd minute a man chains Isabelle to the wall, then has sex with Arielle Dombasle in front of her. In the sixty-seventh minute Isabelle Illiers has sex with an Oriental guy.
In the seventh minute of the film Isabelle Illiers totally naked is sitting on a barber chair. Around her, various nude actresses apply makeup. Later the actress is led to her room. In the eleventh minute Isabelle Illiers walks around naked in her bedroom and sticks a picture on the wall. Finally, she tries on a dress. In the nineteenth minute a man has sex with Arielle Dombasle on a pool table. In the twenty-fifth minute Isabelle is washing her feet in a basin, wearing a dress that reveals her petite breasts. In the thirty-ninth minute Isabelle lies on top of a strange chair in the shape of a stylized chicken. An Asian man stands behind her and fucks her doggy-style. At the thirty-eighth minute Isabelle Illiers nude is seated in front of a man dressed in white. From off-screen, a burly Asian man in panties enters the scene and approaches Isabelle. The man moves the panties to get his penis out, then puts it in Isabelle’s mouth. The actress gives him an un-simulated blowjob. In the 43rd minute a man chains Isabelle to the wall, then has sex with Arielle Dombasle in front of her. In the sixty-seventh minute Isabelle Illiers has sex with an Oriental guy.