Los Verduleros

Directed By: Adolfo Martínez Solares


Los Verduleros is a Mexican comedy made by director Adolfo Martínez Solares in 1986. The film narrates the adventures of some merchants working in a market. There are also gangsters who do extortion and Roberto, the chicken seller, has a sex affair with the wife of one of them (Rossy Mendoza). To enrich the plot, there is a policeman assigned to investigate these crooks.
For the first twelve minutes all the actors are dressed, then Angélica Chain lies down on a kitchen table to have a man kiss her breasts. Meanwhile, the protagonist is having sex with Rossy Mendoza behind a bush, but her husband interrupts the idyll. The two try again twenty-eight minutes later, in the car. Later, Angélica Chain also has sex with the protagonist, on a comfortable bed. Twenty minutes later, the two are in the shower, and this time Angélica Chain gives us a nice full-frontal nude.

Nude scenes

