Occhio alla Perestrojka

Directed By: Franco Castellano, Giuseppe Moccia


Three married men are often in Bulgaria for work. Here, the guys get engaged to some girls from the East, safe in the knowledge that when they return to Italy they will not be joined by the girls thanks to the Iron Curtain. A couple of years later, Perestroika and the splitting of the Soviet bloc allowed the opening of borders.
In the seventh minute, Maria Kalinina naked is kneeling on the bed and talking to a man. First we see her ass, then the camera moves and frames the girl frontally, allowing us to look at her breasts. In the following scene we admire Marina Giulia Cavalli naked, in a brief sex scene. Eighteen minutes later, Maria Kalinina is sitting on a bed in a hotel room and a man takes off her shirt. Another man enters the room without knocking and Maria covers her tits with her hands. Meanwhile, Jeanett Vredeveld performs an exciting striptease for a man who is watching her lying on a bed. Thirteen minutes later Marina Giulia Cavalli throws a man onto a couch and tries hard to have sex with him, who refuses. She unbuttons her shirt and shows him her beautiful tits, but the man resists the temptation. A minute later the actress is naked in bed with the now seduced man.

Nude scenes

