Schoolgirl Report Part 3

Directed By: Ernst Hofbauer, Walter Boos


The third chapter of the long “Schulmädchen-Report” series. The full title is Schulmädchen-Report 3. Teil – Was Eltern nicht mal ahnen. The international title is Schoolgirl Report Part 3: What Parents Find Unthinkable.
In the incipit of the film, the producers let us know that the first and second installments of the series had ten million viewers, so it was decided to do the third chapter as well. The stories are similar to those already seen: horny students, erotomaniac professors, and so on. And there are fake interviews with people walking down the street.
The nude actresses of this third chapter are Birgit Tetzlaff, Carmen Jäckel, Ingeborg Steinbach, Karin Götz, Manuela Widman, Manuela Wondratschek and Sonja Spitzweg.

Nude scenes

