Les Deux Amis (AKA Two Friends) follows Clément, a shy film extra who is in love with Mona (Golshifteh Farahani), a mysterious sandwich vendor who is hiding a secret. Unable to win her over on his own, he enlists the help of his best friend Abel, an outgoing but fragile seducer.
The film begins with a scene in the showers of a prison. The camera captures several naked actresses, among whom is Golshifteh Farahani. At the 51st minute, the actress is lying in bed, only partially covered by a sheet. She talks to a guy sitting in the room, and we look at her breasts. Six minutes later Golshifteh Farahani naked masturbates in the shower.
The film begins with a scene in the showers of a prison. The camera captures several naked actresses, among whom is Golshifteh Farahani. At the 51st minute, the actress is lying in bed, only partially covered by a sheet. She talks to a guy sitting in the room, and we look at her breasts. Six minutes later Golshifteh Farahani naked masturbates in the shower.