Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Directed By: James Cameron


In The Terminator, the muscular Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a cyborg from the future determined to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), future mother of the world’s savior from machine hegemony. In Terminator 2: Judgment Day, an identical cyborg arrives from the future, but this time he is intent on protecting Sarah’s 10-year-old son from another cyborg who is much more advanced and powerful than him.
In the fourteenth minute we find Linda Hamilton locked in an asylum room, wearing a white tank top with nothing underneath. Her breasts and nipples are visible. Forty-four minutes later Linda is running away from the evil cyborg and takes refuge inside an elevator. She is still wearing the tank top and the tension has made her nipples turgid. Twenty-two minutes later we admire Linda Hamilton as an ass-kicker, cigarette in mouth, rifle in hand, and military green tank top with bullet-sharp nipples underneath.

Nude scenes

